Thursday, 23 June 2011



Kamaruddin, I.S.1, A.S. Mustafa Kamal*1, A. Christianus1, S.K. Daud2 and L. Yu Abit1

1Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture and 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author:

Abstract: A study of species diversity of fish population was carried out at Pengkalan Gawi- Pulau Dula section of Kenyir Lake, Terengganu. Fish sampling at three (3) stations was conducted monthly from February 2008 to January 2009 using gill nets. A total of 274 fishes from 13 species were collected in this study. The most abundant fish species collected were Barbodes schwanenfeldii (Lampam Sungai) (35.77 %), followed by Notopterus sp. (Belida) (27.37 %) and Hampala macrolepidota (Sebarau) (16.06 %). The other species identified in this study were Hemibagrus nemurus (Baung) (8.03%), Channa micropeltes (Toman) (4.4%), Pristolepis faciatus (Patong) (3.65%), Cyclocheilichthys apogon (Temperas) (1.46%), Osteochilus hasselti (Terbol) (1.09%), Osteochilus vitatus (Rong) (0.73%), Chela anomalura (Lalang) (0.36%), Labiobarbus lineatus (Kawan) (0.36%), Channa striatus (Haruan) (0.36%) and Probarbus jullieni (Temoleh) (0.36%). The Shannon-Weaver index showing the fish diversity index was 1.71, Pielou’s Evenness index was 0.66 and Margalef’s Species Richness index was 4.92 respectively. Most of the species found in this study were similarly reported in other studies in Kenyir Lake. It is hoped that the results of this study will be useful in contributing towards the management of the lake in a sustainable manner for future generations. 

Keywords: Abundance, Species diversity, Fish population, Reservoir management, Kenyir Lake.

For the full paper, please refer to the link :

Kamaruddin, I.S., A.S. Mustafa Kamal, A. Christianus, S.K. Daud, and L. Yu-Abit, (2011). Fish Community in Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula Section of Kenyir Lake, Terengganu, Malaysia. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 6(1): 89-97. 


Kamaruddin, I.S., A.S. Mustafa Kamal, A. Christianus, and S.K. Daud, (2010). Distribution of macrobenthos community in the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula Section of Kenyir Lake, Terengganu, Malaysia. International Conference on Environment (ICENV 2010). Universiti Sains Malaysia. 


1Kamaruddin, I.S., 1*A.S. Mustafa Kamal, 1A. Christianus and 2S.K. Daud

1Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor
*Corresponding author: E-mail:


The study was conducted to determine the distribution of macrobenthos community in the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu. Four sampling stations located at Pulau Dula (station A), Sungai Ikan (station B), Pulau Pupi (station C) and Sungai Lawit (station D) were established. Macrobenthos samples were collected monthly for 11 months (from March 2008 to January 2009) using Wildco Eckman grab (surface area of 225 cm2) and were sieved using a 500 μm Endecotts steel sieve. Samples were counted and identified to lowest taxonomic level. A total of 18,688.89 organisms/m2 were recorded throughout the sampling period. The macrobenthos community were classified as chironomids (insects), gastropods (snails) and annelids (worms). This study area was dominated by chironomids contributing 58.4% of the total macrobenthic populations followed by gastropods (30.8%) and annelids (10.8%). The highest (p>0.05) macrobenthos density was recorded in station B totalling to 5,933.33 organisms/m2, followed by station C with 5,711.11 organisms/m2; station A (4,489.89 organisms/m2) and lowest (p>0.05) in station D (2,555.56 organisms/m2). Among the macrobenthos, chironomids were found dominating in Sungai Ikan, Pulau Pupi and Sungai Lawit, whereas, in Pulau Dula, gastropods dominated. Meanwhile, amongst the stations with insect as the dominant macrobenthos, station B had the highest (p>0.05) density. However, no significant difference (p<0.05) in terms of the total density of annelids amongst the stations was observed. The result of this study will provide important baseline information for future monitoring and sustainable management of the lake.

Keywords: Macrobenthos, Chironomids, Gastropods, Annelids, Tasik Kenyir.

Benthos is an important part of the food chain, especially for fish. Having the position as “middlemen” in the aquatic food chain as they feed on algae and bacteria and other organic matter that enters the water, they play a critical role in the natural flow of energy and nutrients. [16] defined benthic macroinvertebrates as organisms that lived at the bottom of substrates in freshwater habitats for at least in one phase of their life cycle. These organisms may be divided into two major groups which are macrobenthos and microbenthos [9] Macrobenthos can be classified as those specimens retained by a mesh size between 200 μm and 500 μm [10].
The study of macrobenthos community is important because it involves important components of the tropic chain, knowledge of its volume in monitoring programs, and ecological surveys [15]. [2] described the macrobenthos as the most suitable organisms as indicator in the water quality assessments. Benthic macroinvertebrates community structure has been largely used in monitoring studies on pollution in lake ecosystems, with the aim of identifying and quantifying ecological alternatives [16]. Macrobenthos are also important sources of food for many species of fish particularly the benthophagic ones [1]. Indirectly, their population is an indicator of the quality of water within which fishes live, and more directly as food for fishes [12].  
Being a reservoir, Tasik Kenyir is also inhabited by macrobenthos that play important roles to the lake ecosystems. To make sure the benefits of these macrobenthos continues, it is necessary to ensure sustainable managements and conservation programmes are seriously taken into consideration in managing the lake. Scientific management and conservation of lakes is overwhelmingly important in the milieu of predicted freshwater shortages in this new century, especially with the lowest per capita freshwater availability in the Asia-Pacific region [5]. However, these managements and conservation programmes needs baseline information on it macrobenthos resources. As such, this study was conducted to provide some data on macrobenthos community composition in one of the lake section named Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu, Malaysia.  

Tasik Kenyir is the biggest man-made lake in Malaysia (about 260 km2) and it lies at 4° 41’ north and longitude 102° 40’ east in the state of Terengganu, Malaysia. This man-made lake was initially impounded in 1986 to generate hydroelectric power, receiving water inputs from two main rivers – the Terengganu and Terengan Rivers [3]. Tasik Kenyir is a home for numerous species of freshwater fishes and known as paradise for anglers and eco-tourist.
The study was conducted in Pengkalan Gawi- Pulau Dula one of the lake section. This section is located from the main jetty (Pengkalan Gawi) to the south and to Pulau Dula (Dula Island) and has an area of about 30 km2. This section of the lake serves as the main entrance to the Tasik Kenyir and where many activities for ecotourism are undertaken. For these reasons disturbance and minor destruction to the ecosystems natural state is possible if not properly managed. Hence, this section of the lake was chosen for this study. Four sampling stations have been set up between this section designated as station A (Pulau Dula), station B (Sungai Ikan), station C (Pulau Pupi) and station D (Sungai Lawit).
Sample collection was conducted for 11 months, between March 2008 to January 2009. Macrobenthos samples were taken using ekman grab (Wildco) covering a surface area of 225 cm2. Macrobenthos samples were kept in a polyethylene bottles and were preserved with 10% formalin solutions for laboratory analysis. In the laboratory, macrobenthos were sieved using a 500 μm steel sieve (Endecotts). Macrobenthos were identified and counted using Leica EZ4 dissecting microscope (16X to 40X magnification). All data gathered were analysed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the significant differences (p<0.05) among stations.

A total of 18,688.89 individuals/m2 macrobenthos were recorded during the study period between March 2008 to January 2009 in the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir. The macrobenthos community in this section were categorized into three main groups: insects (chironomids), annelids (worms) and gastropods (snails). Overall, the highest (p<0.05) macrobenthos abundance were contributed by insects with mean total density of 10,911.11 organisms/m², comprising 58.4% of the total macrobenthos populations. This was followed by gastropods and annelids contributing mean total density of 5,755.55 individuals/m2 (30.8%) and 2,022.23 individuals/m2 (10.8%), respectively (Figure 1). 
Among the four stations, Sungai Ikan was found to contain the highest (p<0.05) macrobenthos density of 5,933.33 individuals/m2, followed by Pulau Pupi (5,711.11 individuals/m2), Pulau Dula (4,489.89 individuals/m2) and Sungai Lawit (2,555.56 individuals/m2) (Figure 2). In Sungai Ikan, Pulau Pupi and Sungai Lawit, insect (chironomids) dominated the macrobenthos community (Figure 3). Highest (p<0.05) chironomid abundance was recorded in Sungai Ikan with mean total density of 404.04±63.39 individuals/m2 (Table 1).
The abundance of this chironomid in this station might be due to the fact that this station is located the river (lotic system) (Ikan River). According to [7], 90% of the species from class Ephemeroptera (chironomid) prefer lotic habitats during the period of larval development and that the larvae simultaneously need a large amount of oxygen dissolved in water. However, the abundance of chironomids in the other two stations, Pulau Pupi and Sungai Lawit, may be attributed to the muddy condition of the bottom sediments. According to [8] chironomids larvae from the genera Chironomus, Procladius and Tanypus were found only in soft mud bottom sediments. These chironomids are widespread organisms of the mud substrates of eutrophic waters, consequently species of these genera formed 90 to 98% of all the organisms inhabiting the muddy sediments [6].
Meanwhile, in Pulau Dula gastropods dominated. The presence of gastropods community in Pulau Dula (228.28±39.59 individuals/m2) was significantly higher (p<0.05) compared to Sungai Ikan (74.75±18.35 individuals/m2) and Sungai Lawit (62.63±11.94 individuals/m2) (Table 1). The dominance of gastropods in this section of the lake was most probably due to the relatively high calcium content in the sediments [12]. According to [13] calcium is important for the development of shells in molluscs (gastropods). In this case, Pulau Dula might contain high concentration of calcium. However, calcium content of the sediments for this study was not measured.
Annelids community in all sampling station were recorded with the least (p<0.05) proportion compared to other groups of macrobenthos (Table 1). The abundance of annelids has been associated with muddy substratum rich in organic matter [14]. Since Tasik Kenyir is classified as a mesotrophic lake, a type of lake which contains low organic matter and nutrient contents [17], hence annelids may have difficulty in dominating the macrobenthic community.

The most abundant macrobenthos community in this study was chironomids (insects) and this was followed by gastropods (snails) and annelids (worms). The highest number of macrobenthos individuals at stations was recorded in Sungai Ikan (Station B) followed by Pulau Pupi (Station C), Pulau Dula (Station A) and Sungai Lawit (Station D). From the data obtained, we could suggest that the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir contains various pattern of distribution in macrobenthos community, as such sustainable managements and conservation activities should be stressed out in managing the lake so that the constancy of the community continues.  

We are very thankful to Encik Junaidi Jaafar and Encik Eduardo D. Peralta for their assistance during the sample collection. We would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sharr Azni Harmin as head of the department for giving his full support on this study. We also express our gratitude to the Malaysian Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI) for funding the research.


 Figure 1: Percentage composition of macrobenthos community in the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir during the sampling period form March 2008 to January 2009.

Figure 2: Total number of individual macrobenthos at each station in the Pengkalan Gawi–Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir during the sampling period form March 2008 to January 2009.

Figure 3: Percentage composition of macrobenthos based on stations in the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir during the sampling period form March 2008 to January 2009.

Table 1: Table showing the mean macrobenthos individual based on stations during the sampling period from March 2008 until January 2009 at the Pengkalan Gawi – Pulau Dula section of Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu (same letter are no significant different).



Mean (organism/m2)
± S.E
Chironomids (insects)
Pulau Dula (A)

Sungai Ikan (B)

Pulau Pupi (C)

Sungai Lawit (D)

Annelids (worms)
Pulau Dula (A)

Sungai Ikan (B)

Pulau Pupi (C)

Sungai Lawit (D)

Gastropods (snails)
Pulau Dula (A)

Sungai Ikan (B)

Pulau Pupi (C)

Sungai Lawit (D)

[1] Cole, G.A. Textbook of Limnology. C. V. Mosby Co. St Louis. 1975. pp 283.

[2] Elbert, S.A. Diversity and relative abundance of macrobenthos in the Ohio river as determined by sampling with artificial substrates. PhD. Thesis. 1978. pp 101.

[3] Furtado, J., Soepadmo, I.E., Sasekumar, A. et al. Ecological effects of the Terengganu hydro-electric project (Kenyir project). Wallaceana (Suppl. 1). 1977. p 51.

[4] Hasan, S.M.Z. and M.A. Ambak. Treasure Of Kenyir. Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (KUSTEM). 2005. pp 80.  

[5] International Lakes Environmental Committee Foundation (ILEC). World Vision Action Report Implementing the World lake vision for the Sustainable Use of Lakes and Reservoirs. World Vision Action Report Committee, Shiga, Japan. 2007. pp 402.

[6] Jankovic, M.J. Communities of chironomid larvae in the Velika Morava River. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 64 (2). 1979. pp 167-173.

[7] Koperski, P. Diversity of macrobenthos in lowland streams: ecological determinants and taxonomic specificity. J. Limnol., 69(1). 2010. pp 88-101.

[8] Laakso, M. The bottom fauna in the surroundings of Helsinki. Annales Zoologici Pennfce 2. 1965. pp 19-37.

[9] Lind, O.T. Handbook of common methods in limnology. The C.V. Mosby Co. 1979. pp 199.

[10] Loyola, R.G.N. and Treversch, M. Benthic macroinvertebrates in tributaries of the ITAIPU Reservoir, Parang State, Brazil. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26 (4). 1998. pp 2088-2092.

[11] McLachlan, A.J. and McLachlan, S.M. Benthic fauna and sediments in the newly created Lake Kariba (Central Africa). Ecology. 52 (5). 1971. pp 800-809. 

[12] Mustafa Kamal, A.S., Mohamad Mohsin, A.K. and Fatimah, M.Y. Abundance and seasonal fluctuations of benthic macroinvertebrates in a swamp lake Malaysia. Malaysiana Appl. Biol. 13 (2). 1982. pp 89-99. 

[13] Odum, E.P. The fundamentals of ecology. Saunders. London. 1971. pp 574.

[14] Omoigberale, M.O. and A.E. Ogbeibu. Environmental impacts of oil exploration and production on the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of Osse River, Southern Nigeria. Academic Journals Inc. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences. 4(2). 2010. pp 101-114.  

[15] Peralta, E.D. Food availability and stomach content of fish population in Semenyih Reservoir, Malaysia. Master of Science Thesis. Universiti Putra Malaysia. 2004. pp 131.

[16] Rosenberg, D.M. and V.H. Resh. Freshwater biomonitoring and benthic macroinvertebrates. Chapman and Hall, New York. 1993. pp 488.

[17] Yusoff F.M. and Lock M.A. Thermal stratification and its role in controlling eutrophication in a tropical reservoir, Malaysia. International Conference on Tropical Limnology. Indonesia. 1994. p 18.

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The poster presentation: 

A Survey (2010) of Fish Population in a Disused Mining Pool near the UPM Swimming Pool at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor

Kamaruddin, I.S. and A.S. Mustafa Kamal, (2010). A survey (2010) of fish population in a disused mining pool near the UPM swimming pool at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. Agriculture Extension (AGREX’10). Universiti Putra Malaysia. 354-359.

A Survey (2010) of Fish Population in a Disused Mining Pool near the UPM Swimming Pool at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor

Kamaruddin, I.S. and A.S. Mustafa Kamal*

Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia
*Corresponding author:

A survey of fish population was carried out in a disused mining pool which located near to Universiti Putra Malaysia’s (UPM) swimming pool at UPM Serdang, Selangor. This pool was named as Swimming Pool Pond (SP Pond). Fish sampling was conducted in March 2010 by using gill nets with a mesh size of 6.35 cm, at three sampling stations which designated as station A, station B and station C. These nets were set at dusk and hauled in the next morning and a total of 36 individual fishes from 6 species were captured from the survey. The fish population was comprises of Osteochilus hasselti (Terbol) (36.1%), Notopterus notopterus (Belida) (27.8%), Cyclocheilichthys apogon (Temperas) (25.0%), Channa micropeltes (Toman) (5.6%), Hemibagrus nemurus (Baung) (2.8%) and Oreochromis mossambicus (Tilapia) (2.8%). The fish diversity indices obtained from this survey shows that the Shannon-Weaver index value was 1.43, Pielou’s evenness index value was 0.80 and Margalef’s species richness index value was 3.21.  Results  obtained from this survey might be useful  in pond management especially  for fish re-stocking programmes, in which the latest technology or methods in hatcheries would be involved  to prepare the juvenile or adult fish  into fish stock.

Keywords: Fish population, disused mining pool, tin-mining pool, Universiti Putra Malaysia.


The freshwater habitat is part of Malaysia’s vast aquatic ecosystem and consists of both natural and man-made water bodies (Muhamad-Nasir and Gopinath, 2006). One of the man-made water bodies in Malaysia is disused tin-mining pool. The practice of open-cast and pit mining for tin has left large tracts of land with pools of immense depths sometimes covering areas of more than 50 ha (Yusof et al., 2001). According to Arumugam (1994), Malaysia has about 4,300 disused mining pools and this area covering about 16,440 ha.

Malaysia aggressively reclaimed most of their disused tin-mining pool especially for agricultural activities, freshwater fish farming  area,  recreational  area,  houses  area  and  even as  an  industrial  area (Muhamad-Samudi, 2008). Considering the valuable potential of water pools, a study to document the use of water pools to become more productive area and give direct benefit to the local people need to be conducted (Ningsih, 2008).

In fact, disused mining pool in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) should be preserved and well managed in a sustainable ways. This is because this man-made water bodies might be useful in terms of research on its ecology and fisheries resources. Swimming Pool Pond (SP Pond) in UPM is one of the ponds that have been abandoned in the university area due to previous tin mining activities.  A study regarding the fish fauna in this pond have been done previously by Muhammad-Shukri (2007), but the latest information of the fish fauna in this area is still lacking.  

As such, this survey was conducted to update the current situation of fish species that constitute the fish population in SP Pond. Results obtained from this survey might be useful in pond management especially for fish re-stocking programmes, in which the latest technology or methods in hatcheries would be involved to prepare the juvenile or adult fish into fish stock.

Materials and Methods

This survey was conducted in a disused mining pool near to Universiti Putra Malaysia swimming pool. This pond was formerly a tin mining pool (Muhammad-Shukri, 2007). It does not have any officially designated named, as such, for this survey it was named as Swimming Pool Pond (SP Pond). This pond located in the university area and it lies at latitude 4° 41’ north and longitude 102° 40’ east and the area of this pond is about 17,500 m2.

The survey was conducted in the month of March 2010. Three stations were set up as sampling stations named as station A, station B and station C (Figure 1). Fishes were sampled from each station by using gillnets with mesh size of 6.35 cm (2.5 inches).  The gillnets were set at dusk and hauled in the next morning. All fishes caught were identified for their species by using standard taxonomic keys and the numbers of individual for every species were counted. In this survey, fish species diversity was measured  with Shannon-Weaver Index (1963), while the species evenness and richness  were measured by using Pielou’s Evenness Index (1969) andMargalef’s Index (1958) respectively.

Results and Discussion

A total of 36 fish individuals comprised of 6 species from 5 families were recorded during this survey. Fish population in SP Pond was dominated by Osteochilus hasselti with 13 individual fish comprising 36.1% from the total fish caught. Then the statistic count was followed by Notopterus notopterus (27.8%), Cyclocheilichthys apogon (25.0%), Channa micropeltes (5.6%), Hemibagrus nemurus (2.8%) and Oreochromis mossambicus (2.8%) (Table 1).

Compared to the previous study by Muhammad-Shukri (2007), also 6 species of fish were caught in SP Pond but some of the fish species caught were different from the species caught in this current survey (Table 2). 70% from the total fish caught in the previous study was Oreochromis sp.,  whereas in the current survey, only 1 individual Oreochromis sp fish sample was found. The difference found between the two studies in terms of species type  and the dominant species, might be due to the different mesh size of gill nets that being used in both sampling. 

In this survey, Osteochilus hasselti was found as the most abundance fish species inhabiting in SP Pond. Indeed, O. hasselti is the most common and widely distributed fish species in Malaysia. They can be found mainly in streams, ponds, mining pools, and irrigation canals which are available throughout the length and breadth of Malaysia (Mohsin and Ambak, 1983). The dominance of O. hasselti was also recorded by Smith (1945) in Mekong River and they were also found in other parts of the Indochinese Peninsula  as well as the Greater Sunda Islands (Magtoon and Arai, 1990).

Next, N. notopterus was recorded as second highest in proportion (27.8%) with 10 individual after O. hasselti. This finding was the same as the record by Muhammad-Shukri (2007) that the knifefish in SP Pond has the second highest composition representing 13.0% from the total fish caught. There was another study by Kamaruddin and Mustafa Kamal (2010) which also found that N. notopterus was the dominant in swamp area of Faculty of Engineering, UPM. Based on all these data obtained, it can be concluded that N. Notopterus is abundance in water bodies of UPM area. 

Besides, there were two predatory fish species, Channa micropeltes (2 individuals=5.6%) and Hemibagrus nemurus (1 individual=2.8%), had been recorded with lower percentage composition compared to the other species captured. As in previous study done by Muhammad-Shukri (2007), the results were also similar where C. micropeltes and H. nemurus were caught with 6.0% and 5.0% respectively. These show that the number of predatory fish species in SP Pond was rather low when compared to the omnivore and herbivore fish species. The carnivores are flesh-eating consumers; they include several trophic levels from the third on up (Spellman, 2008). From here, we could predict that the food web for fish population in this survey area is stable with low percentage of fish species that constitute on the top of the pyramid. Energy pyramids must always be larger at the base than at the top (Spellman, 2008).

The fish diversity indices obtained from this survey were Shannon-Weaver index value 1.43, Pielou’s evenness index value 0.80 and Margalef’s species richness index value 3.21 (Table 3). The value of the index is similar with the results of study done by Kamaruddin et al. (2009) in Tasik Kenyir where the Shannon-Weaver index, Pielou’s evenness index and Margalef’s species richness index values were 1.54, 0.70 and 2.02 respectively. This similarity might be due to that these two water bodies were man-made, lacustrine and lentic water bodies where it is deep and it has three ecological zones including the profundal zone.


Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the Swimming Pool Pond (SP Pond) was dominated by Osteochilus hasseltiand then followed by Notopterus notopterus, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Channa micropeltes, Hemibagrus nemurus and Oreochromis mossambicus. The fish species found in this survey showed slightly different when compared to the previous study. The lower percentage of predatory species compared to herbivore and omnivore fish species as a whole had shown that the food web in this man-made water body is stabled. The fish diversity indices such as the Shannon-Weaver index (value of 1.43), Pielou’s evenness index (value of 0.80) and Margalef’s species richness index (value of 3.21) obtained from this survey could be used to compare with other studies. Sustainable managements practice should be stressed out in managing the SP Pond so that it could benefit the community in terms of ecological and fisheries research.


Table 1: Table showing the list of fish species caught during the survey in SP Pond in March 2010.

Fish species
Common name
Number of individual
Osteochilus hasselti
Notopterus notopterus
Cyclocheilichthys apogon
Channa micropeltes
Hemibagrus nemurus
Oreochromis  mossambicus






















Table 2: Different fish species captured in SP Pond according to study done by Muhammad-Shukri (2007) and the current survey.

Fish species
Current Survey
Osteochilus hasselti
Notopterus notopterus
Cyclocheilichthys apogon
Channa micropeltes
Hemibagrus nemurus
Oreochromis sp.
Oxyeleotris marmorata
Hypostomus plecostomus

+ Present  

Table 3: Table showing the fish diversity indices for fish population in SP Pond during the survey in March 2010. 
Fish Diversity Indices

Shannon-Weaver index
Pielou’s evenness index
Margalef’s species richness index



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Kamaruddin, I.S. and A.S. Mustafa Kamal (2010) A survey (2009) of aquatic organisms inhabiting the Faculty of Engineering Swamp (FE Swamp) in Unversiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. International Conference on Food Security During Challenging Times. Universiti Putra Malaysia. 190-195 pp.
Magtoon, W and R. Arai, (1990) Karyotypes of three cyprinid fishes, Osteochilus hasselti, O. vittatus, and Labiobarbus lineatus, from Thailand. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. Vol. 36. 4: 483-487 pp.  

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Mohsin Mohsin, A.K.M. and M.A. Ambak (1983) Freshwater Fishes of Peninsular Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. 284 pp.
Muhamad-Nasir, A.S. and N. Gopinath, (2006) Riverine fish and fisheries in Malaysia: An ignored resource. Taylor and Francis group. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 9(2): 159-164 pp.
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Ningsih, E.C.T. (2008) Utilization of tin mining pool at Kampung Lesung Batang, Belitung regency for freshwater fish cage culture. Master thesis. Bandung Technology Institute, Indonesia.

Pielou, E. C. (1969) An Introduction to Mathematical Ecology. New York: Wiley.

Shannon, C.E. and Weaver, W. (1963). The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
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